7 thoughts on “As promised, the new Pendleton store at Portland International Airport.

  1. There are great items in your Portland Airport store that I can’t find anywhere; a fabulous jacket, black and gray wool tunic.

  2. Hi, I did a little shopping while I was waiting for a shuttle ride this afternoon and found a terrific outback hat. Turns out my shuttle ride cost a bit more than I expected! But, when I walked out I left behind a big umbrella (guess how I noticed it was missing) and a favorite scarf. I called the store a few hours later and Carla answered. The umbrella was found and sent to Lost and Found but since that service is only open limited hours, she offered to pick it up for me and keep it in the Pendleton store so I could retrieve it when I fly out next week. She didn’t find the scarf in her store but offered to walk over to Beaches, the airport restaurant where I ate lunch to inquire if I dropped it there.

    Now that’s customer service! Carla is a STAR! I’ve just turned into a loyal Pendleton customer.

  3. Hi, I am looking for the pendleton portland collection anorak in washougal plaid – brick in an xsmall or small. I tried it on last fall and can’t seem to find it anywhere. I am from Canada as well.

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